Cessna 150H
Economical and fun, what more could you ask for? This airplane is used for those just starting their flight training, those who want to build hours towards other certificates, or pilots who don't want to pay an arm and a leg to fly a plane!
USB charging port
Wet Rate: $124/hour
Fuel Consumption: 6 gallons per hour (gph)

Cessna 150f
Economical and fun, what more could you ask for? This airplane is used for those just starting their flight training, those who want to build hours towards other certificates, or pilots who don't want to pay an arm and a leg to fly a plane!
Two Garmin G5's
USB charging port
Wet Rate: $134/hour
Fuel Consumption: 6 gallons per hour (gph)

Cessna 150G
One of our most advanced Cessna 150 on the flight line. With a Garmin touch screen GPS, and garmin transponder, this aircraft can be flown and used for Instrument training!
Garmin 175 GPS
Built in clock (for instrument training)
Wet Rate: $134/hour
Fuel Consumption: 6 gallons per hour (gph)

Cessna 172G
A great training option for those looking for a little more room in their training airplane. This aircraft has all of the basic instrumentation that is required to get your private pilot certificate. This aircraft also has a Garmin 696 with a large screen and a set of backup instruments for added safety.
Engine: Continental 0300 (145hp)
Navigation: Garmin 696
Horton STOL Kit!
Wet Rate: $170/hour

Cessna 172G
A great training option for those looking for a little more room in their training airplane. Having two of the same model assists in ensuring you always have a plan available for your training needs. This aircraft has all of the basic instrumentation that is required to get your private pilot certificate.
Engine: Continental 0300 (145hp)
Navigation: VOR/ILS/GS
Wet Rate: $170/hour

Cessna 172m
A great training option for those looking for a little more power and a modern cockpit. This aircraft has a suite of Garmin avionics including the Garmin G3X touchscreen display and Garmin 430 GPS/Nav/Comm unit. This airplane is ready for all of your IFR training needs or a great option for an afternoon lunch run to your favorite airport restaurant.
Engine: Lycoming O-320 (150hp)
Navigation: Garmin G3X, GNS430 WAAS
Wet Rate: $195/hour

Cessna 310q
Our part 91 multi engine training program offers a beautifully maintained Cessna 310Q. This aircraft will cruise at 190 knots but can easily be slowed down to train pilots towards their multi engine add-on.
Engine: Continental IO-470 x 2
Wet Rate: $350/hour
MEI Rate: $75/block hour

1967 mooney M20f
The retractable gear, cross country machine you've dreamed of. Burning 10 gallons per hour, flying at 140 knots true at 10,000 ft., you'll wish your flight never ended! This aircraft is used for complex endorsements and to satisfy your commercial pilots license requirement of 10 hours of training in a TAA or complex airplane.
Engine: Lycoming IO-360-A1A (200hp)
Navigation: GNS430 WAAS
Radios: PMA6000
Dry Rate: $155/hour dry
Premier Club Rate: $130/hour dry
Fuel Consumption: 10 gallons per hour (gph)

Redbird Simulator
This FAA approved simulator boasts a cost effective rate of $60/hour. Maintain your instrument currency even when you don't get the opportunity to fly actual IMC. Save money on your instrument rating by using this FAA approved simulator to log hours without having to rent a plane. Ask your instructor for more information!
Rate: $60/hour